Making Gravy From Roast Beef Drippings

My roast beef gravy recipe is savory, deli­cious and com­fort­ing. It's super easy and you can make it in min­utes. It takes a slow cook­er Roast Beef din­ner over the top when you add this deli­cious­ly easy beef gravy over mashed potatoes!

best gravy beef

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Beef Gravy from Roast Drip­pings (or beef broth).

If brown beef gravy is one of those recipes that has always intim­i­dat­ed you, you're going to love my easy brown gravy recipe.

Should I Use Beef Roast Drippings or Broth?

The most fla­vor­ful way to start brown gravy for roast beef is from roast beef drip­pings (or jus) left in the slow cook­er or roast­ing pan after you've fin­ished cook­ing a roast.

But, the good news is, if you don't have drip­pings, or not enough drip­pings, you can cre­ate the same rich, savory beef stock gravy recipe with some beef broth and a lit­tle beef base or bouillon.

drippings in a sauce pan
Gravy for Beef Roast can be made from beef stock or broth if you don't have drippings.

The Ingredients

  • Drip­pings left from Slow Cook­er Roast Beef or Roast Beef roast­ing pan (or store-bought beef broth if you don't have pan drippings)
  • Bet­ter than Bouil­lon Beef Base (or your pre­ferred bouillon)
  • corn starch
  • water
hot beef sandwich

FAQ's About Making this Brown Gravy Recipe

Is it bet­ter to use flour or corn­starch when mak­ing brown gravy for roast beef?

I pre­fer corn­starch for beef gravy. In this beef gravy recipe, corn­starch cre­ates a thick­ened sauce that is translu­cent and glossy, with­out dilut­ing the beefy fla­vor.

Flour tech­ni­cal­ly works, but it cre­ates a thick­er, more opaque brown gravy that needs to cook longer to cook out the flour taste.

What can I sub­sti­tute for the Beef Base?

You could try a com­bi­na­tion of beef bouil­lon cubes and Worces­ter­shire sauce, though the beef base gives supe­ri­or flavor.

How to Make Easy Beef Gravy from Roast

  1. To start your gravy for beef roast, bring the slow cook­er drip­pings, or beef broth, to a boil and then reduce to medi­um heat.
  2. Whisk in beef base (or bouil­lon and Worces­ter­shire sauce). My per­son­al pref­er­ence for mak­ing beef gravy, though, is Bet­ter than Bouil­lon Roast­ed Beef Base.
  3. Cre­ate a slur­ry by whisk­ing the corn­starch into the cold water.
  4. Slow­ly pour the slur­ry into the sim­mer­ing pan drip­pings, whisk­ing as you go.
  5. Con­tin­ue whisk­ing until every thing is smooth and your gravy comes togeth­er. The gravy will begin to thick­en as it heats. Let it cook anoth­er 1–2 min­utes and then it's ready to serve. Look at that beau­ti­ful home­made gravy! Yum!
easy roast beef gravy

How to Use My Roast Beef Gravy Recipe

There! Now you know how to make gravy with beef broth. And you're going to love all the dif­fer­ent ways you'll be able to use it.

Easy Slow Cooker Roast Beef

Mak­ing gravy from roast beef juices is an easy skill to mas­ter. There's noth­ing more com­fort­ing than a crock­pot roast with pota­toes and car­rots. And, this is the best gravy to serve with them. Sun­day din­ner cooked entire­ly in the slow cook­er. Easy prep. Easy clean-up. Deli­cious com­fort food! You can do this!

Enjoy home­made Beef Gravy on your favorite meats and side dishes.

If there's a pota­to in any shape or form on your plate, this gravy is MADE for it.

Plus, it's also great on noo­dles or rice.

Creamy Garlic Mashed Potatoes

They only have four ingre­di­ents, but these creamy mashed pota­toes taste like a mil­lion bucks!

My fam­i­ly loves beef gravy with moist Slow Cook­er Roast Beef, with Mis­sis­sip­pi Pot Roast and driz­zled over Hot Beef Sand­wich­es.

Anoth­er favorite is to mix left­over gravy and roast beef into egg noo­dles for a scrump­tious Beef and Noo­dles sup­per made from leftovers!

Mississippi Pot Roast

A melt-in-your-mouth ten­der twist on roast beef. It's an easy slow cook­er main dish with only 5 ingredients.

Hot Beef Sandwich

A deli­cious open-faced sand­wich with mashed pota­toes and gravy. This may be a Mid­west phe­nom­e­non. There are a lot of folks who don't seem to know what a won­der­ful del­i­ca­cy this sim­ple dish of left­overs is.

The Recipe


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  • 2 cups pan drip­pings from Easy Slow Cook­er Roast Beef recipe (or store-bought beef broth)
  • 3-4 tea­spoons Bet­ter than Bouil­lon Beef Base (or your favorite bouillon)
  • 1/4 cup cold water
  • 2 Tbsp corn starch

  1. Bring your beef drip­pings or broth to a boil in a medi­um saucepan.  Once boil­ing, reduce to medi­um heat and allow the broth to simmer.
  2. Add the beef base or bouil­lon, stir­ring to dis­solve.  Taste and see that the stock has the lev­el of "bee­fi­ness" you want.  If not you can add more, one tea­spoon at a time.
  3. Con­tin­ue on medi­um heat and let the broth sim­mer while you make the corn­starch slurry.
  4. Dis­solve the corn­starch in the cold water to cre­ate a smooth slur­ry.  The water MUST be cold to pre­vent lumps in your gravy.
  5. Slow­ly whisk the slur­ry into the broth and con­tin­ue stir­ring until the mix­ture is smooth and begins to thicken.
  6. Cook an addi­tion­al 1–2 minutes.
  7. Serve.
  • Prep Time: 5 min
  • Cook Time: 5 min
  • Cat­e­go­ry: Sauce, Condi­ment
  • Cui­sine: Amer­i­can

Key­words: gravy, beef


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